Jak zresetować słuchawki Xiaomi?

Jak zresetować słuchawki Xiaomi?

Are you on your way to pick up new Xiaomi wireless headphones from your favorite ORLEN Paczki point or one of our physical stores? Or maybe a courier service employee has knocked on your door? Regardless of why you're reading this guide, today you'll learn how to reset any wireless headphones equipped with a Bluetooth module. Enjoy!

Is the first step really the hardest?

If this rule is always true, it means that resetting Xiaomi headphones is unbelievably easy! Since the first thing you need to do to reset any Xiaomi wireless headphones is to take them out of the box, the task can't be difficult.

After taking out, for example, the Redmi Buds 3 Pro from the charging case, hold the touch sensor for a moment. Wait until the LED flashes red and the earbuds turn off. Now we're moving on to resetting these sound-filled buttons. Hold both of them (continuously touching the sensors) for several seconds. The LEDs should flash twice in white, then red.

If this is exactly what happened with your model of headphones, then after this sequence, your audio equipment is ready to be connected to your smartphone again.

How to connect them to the phone?

Unlock your smartphone and turn on the Bluetooth function by tapping the appropriate icon. From the list of available devices, find the name of your Xiaomi headphones. Tap it and click "connect".

YES! That's it, really, the first step was probably the hardest. :D We invite you to our newsletter and blog, where you'll find even more useful tips.

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