Jak udostępnić Internet z telefonu Xiaomi?

How to share internet from a Xiaomi phone

If you need to share the internet connection from your Xiaomi phone with other devices, laptops, tablets or another smartphone, there is a way to do it. You're about to find out how easy it is! Take a look at our short tutorial.

Step one

Unlock the phone and slide out the settings bar from the top right corner of the screen.

Step two

Once you see the basic settings such as Mobile Data, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, swipe down on the screen to expand the list even further.

Ensure that Mobile Data is enabled (it should be highlighted in green). In the expanded list of additional settings, locate the icon with the signature Hotspot and tap it. Done! Now other devices can connect to your device, as long as they know its name and security password.

How to configure a network name and change the security password?

If you don't know what your phone's network name is, or wish to change it, we'll explain everything in a moment.

Go to your phone's settings, then select Portable hotspot. Click Configure Wi-Fi hotspot.

To change the name, simply click on it and this will enable editing. The same principle applies to changing the password, if you just want to check it, click the eye icon next to the dots covering the code.

Pay attention!

Remember, while you are sharing a hotspot with friends, make sure that the password you give them is different from the ones used for social media accounts or banking apps. Setting secure passwords is an extremely important issue that should not be forgotten!

For more useful tutorials, visit our blog and Facebook.

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