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Welcome to the Full Power Premiere

The Xiaomi 11T series has been rumoured for some time. You also hear about brand new products. In our news section, you can find articles about individual models of the new smartphone series. You will also find announcements of other mystery hardware. However, it is one thing to read and another to see these wonders in person. The full presentation of the novelties will take place tomorrow. Therefore, we invite you to the Full Power Premiere, which will take place on 6 October at 7 p.m. The main protagonists will be representatives of the Xiaomi 11T series. And after the premiere... who knows, maybe you can catch some bargains and buy a brand-new smartphone?

We are already looking forward to it!

The new series promises to be extremely promising. New creation possibilities, fantastic colour rendering and great colour options for the smartphones themselves are just the beginning of a long list of advantages of the Xiaomi 11T smartphone series. All factors translate into heightened curiosity and impatience. These feelings are best alleviated during the live experience. What you will see will exceed all your expectations.

Feel the Cinemagia

You will experience the full capabilities of the Xiaomi 11T series of smartphones at launch. If you can't wait, browse the news tab for a preview of the upcoming news.

New smartphones, but also something else....

In addition to smartphones, we have prepared a whole bunch of news. However, we can't reveal everything today, and the full portion of secret knowledge will be available tomorrow on

First-hand information

100% facts and 100% premiere products... this line-up can't miss you too! You don't have to leave the house to meet the stars of the evening. The invitation applies to everyone - any pets and pets along with their loved ones can watch along with you. Take a seat with your cat on your lap and take a look at what we have prepared for you and your loved ones.

Click on the photo and be taken to the premiere

Just stomp on any image of this article to be taken to the page where the live event will take place. Stop by on 6 October at 7pm and experience the real Full Power Premiere!

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