Gładka cera z inFace Sonic Facial Device MS2000

Smooth skin with the inFace Sonic Facial Device MS2000

Care is fundamental on the road to achieving smooth and flawless skin. Daily morning and evening cleansing is key to achieving long-lasting and lasting results. Dermatologists, depending on your skin type and condition, may recommend a nightly, oil-based face wash or search for further solutions tailored to your needs. Whichever method you decide on, the inFace Sonic Facial Device MS2000 brush can become an interesting variety and a great tool to complement your routine.

How does the inFace Sonic Facial Device MS2000 work?

The facial cleansing and massage brush has 3 cleansing settings. Each supports the regeneration of not only the top but also the deep layers of the skin. Thanks to the clever design, you can control the intensity of the vibrations to suit your preferences. From gentle shaking to stronger vibrations.

Full cleansing

The precision cleansing mode uses movement to remove dirt and dead skin cells. When cleansing daily, wet your face and apply a small amount of cleanser. Then start the inFace Sonic Facial Device MS2000 and massage in circular motions, setting the mode to gentle.

Lifting on cue

Want to firm up your facial skin and minimise the effects of ageing? Nothing could be easier! Although there is no magic cure to reverse the signs of time, there is nothing stopping us from trying to minimise these processes. Set the cleaning mode to normal and massage your face for 90 seconds using the built-in timer. The InFace Sonic Facial Device MS2000 works by stimulating facial muscles, which stimulates collagen production. As a result, the skin becomes firmer and lifted. Say goodbye to flabby skin and hello to your natural, glowing face.

Maximise the effect of the active ingredients

Do you like to shop and your bathroom is overflowing with an array of different creams, serums and nourishing masks? Cleansing your facial skin with the inFace Sonic Facial Device MS2000 will make it more receptive to the active ingredients in cosmetics. After all, that's not why you spend money on them to let them go to waste in jars! See the effects portrayed in the adverts become reality and you get closer to your dreams of flawless skin.

By maintaining a routine, you can easily see what effect your daily use of the inFace Sonic Facial Device MS2000 toothbrush has on the condition of your skin with different types of skincare products. Get to know yourself and your body's needs for the best results!

The built-in rechargeable battery will allow you to use the device conveniently and practically. The toothbrush is cordless, which makes it even easier to use. You don't need to bother constantly charging your toothbrush. All you need to do is plug it in once every three months.

The high-end materials used in the manufacture of the inFace Sonic Facial Device MS2000 will provide you with extra comfort. The medical grade silicone is extremely soft to the touch, so it will not irritate even the most delicate skin. Be assured that every use of the inFace Sonic Facial Device MS2000 is completely safe!

Did you like this product? Order it now by clicking here. For more interesting texts visit the reviews section on Mi-Home.pl!

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