Nowa hulajnoga Xiaomi Electric Scooter 4 Pro

New Xiaomi Electric Scooter 4 Pro scooter

As the old Polish proverb goes: April is still interwoven, a bit of winter, a bit of summer. And although the weather outside the window is changeable and capricious, it is high time to start preparing for spring trips and think about what you will be using to commute to work or school this year. We have a little suggestion - a scooter from Xiaomi is perfect for this. Specifically, the Xiaomi Electric Scooter 4 Pro model. Why? You'll find out in today's article.

Size matters!

The new Xiaomi Electric Scooter 4 Pro is definitely a more comfortable ride thanks to its new, larger dimensions. It is 6 cm taller than its predecessor, the Pro 2 version, and almost 7 cm longer. The handlebars have become more than 5 cm wider and the deck by almost 2 cm. In addition - the tyres have also been given a new size (up to 10 inches). All these changes have a positive impact on the use of the vehicle - the scooter is easier to handle, safer during manoeuvres, more stable while riding, and the new tyres absorb more shocks, increasing comfort on the road.

Power is in the DNA

The Xiaomi Electric Scooter 4 Pro has been given a massive 446Wh battery by its designers, which translates to as much as 55 km of riding on a single charge! 🤯 If these wonders weren't enough, know that this scooter is equipped with an energy recovery system taken straight from electric cars. This means that every time you brake, kinetic energy is recovered and converted into usable electrical energy.

Sounds like something out of movies about the future, doesn't it? 🙂

Convenience of use

The Xiaomi Electric Scooter 4 Pro is constructed from materials of the highest order (and I mean that literally!). It has been created from super-strong aerospace aluminium alloy, giving it incredible lightness while maintaining maximum durability.

The scooter also features state-of-the-art Xiaomi DuraGel tyres, using tubeless construction and self-sealing gel. What does this mean? Nothing more or less than that you won't have to worry about punctured tyres anymore (finally!).

And in addition, like any Xiaomi scooter, this one can be folded in seconds, so it doesn't take up much space and storage is simple.

Safety above all

But man does not live by gadgets alone. When designing its equipment, Xiaomi always puts safety issues high on the agenda. And this time was no different. The scooter received new 2.5W brightness headlights, which effectively improve visibility at night and, thanks to the new angle of light diffusion, do not dazzle oncoming traffic.

The braking system has also been upgraded. The scooter got larger discs and a new regenerative anti-lock braking system. The dual braking system makes the discs actuate one after the other, which has a positive effect on a shorter braking distance, thus ensuring a safe stop.

As you can see for yourself, the Xiaomi Electric Scooter 4 Pro is a PROfessional in its field. It has incredible performance, is saturated with modern features, but at the same time is both fun and safe to ride. So what, time to go shopping? 😉

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