Xiaomi Point w mieście królów

Xiaomi Point w mieście królów

Our little travel guide is expanding at an alarming rate. Another flagship spot appears on the virtual map of places to visit. Yes, it's Krakow! We invite you for a small dose of curiosities and tips on what and where to see once you're there.

City of the Dragon!

Although hundreds of years ago, Szewczyk Dratewka defeated the dragon, its spirit still lingers in the city. Of course, we're talking about smog, which terrorizes residents worldwide. In Krakow, however, the problem is particularly severe, so it's worth investing in air purifiers of all kinds. At home, you should take a break from street noise and impurities for the sake of your lungs! And where to get such a purifier?

Karmelicka 20, Krakow

At this address, you'll find Xiaomi advisors and equipment. Visit not only in search of an air purifier but also for all sorts of equipment. Xiaomi smartphones are already waiting to become your property! If you have questions, ask the advisor present in the store – we'll gladly answer any burning questions you have.

Pick up your package here

Collect products purchased on Mi-Home.pl at Karmelicka 20. We won't let the courier leave with your order! We'll be on alert and will pick up the package as soon as possible. In-store pickup is the best solution if you're worried about missing the courier.

Royal Equipment

Kraków is the city of kings, and at the Xiaomi Point, we sell truly royal equipment. It's available to everyone, so drop by whenever you feel like it! Our beautiful location in the city center is always on the way. So, when you need a new set of headphones or are looking for a filter for your air purifier, come by Kalwaryjska 20 in Kraków!

Always during these hours

We are open from Monday to Friday from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. We remain closed on weekends. Visit us and see what interesting things we have prepared for you!

Bądź na bieżąco
Zgadzam się na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez spółkę ROLV Group Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą przy ul. Traktowej 6, 05-800 Pruszków, w celu wysyłki przez ROLV Group sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Pruszkowie oraz jej partnerów treści marketingowych przy użyciu wiadomości e-mail (poprzez adres e-mail) i/lub wiadomości SMS (poprzez numer telefonu przypisany do konta) jak również korespondencji dotyczącej oceny przeze mnie dokonanego zakupu. Przyjmuję do wiadomości, że w każdej chwili mogę cofnąć udzieloną zgodę oraz że wycofanie zgody pozostaje bez wpływu na zgodność z prawem wysyłanych dotychczas informacji marketingowych. Więcej w naszej polityce prywatności.