Nowy tablet od Xiaomi? Poznaj Redmi Pad!

A new tablet from Xiaomi? Meet the Redmi Pad!

Lightweight and elegant

Looks aren't everything, but perfect design can tempt many people. Will you be one of them? In the attached photos you can see how the Redmi Pad fits perfectly in your hand and how easy it is to use. Good design is fundamental to satisfaction with a product, and in this case it is second to none! What, apart from completely enchanting its face, can the Redmi Pad do? Find out in just a moment by reading our article.

Create with Redmi Pad

Drawing in notebooks has always helped you to concentrate? Perhaps you still reach for a piece of paper and a pencil in the evenings or on the go. As you probably know, you don't always have access to them, and the mistakes you make there are sometimes hard to erase. If only it were possible to make an unwanted line just like that, without a trace, to undo it, to erase it... And such a possibility exists! By drawing on your brand-new Redmi Pad tablet, you can step outside your comfort zone, learning new techniques and comparing your creations over time. If that's not your fairy tale, remember that you can create not only images but also advanced task lists, complete documents and data in a variety of tables and charts. Organise your time or simply enjoy a moment that lasts, all with the help of one useful tool.


What awaits you is not only extensive creative possibilities, but also access to huge libraries filled with apps, films, music and games. Choose what you like and get sucked into the world of entertainment. You'll be helped by excellent Bluetooth 5.3 connectivity, Wi-Fi 5 and a versatile USB-C connector. With their help, you'll be able to share the videos and photos you capture with the main camera (8MP) and the ultra-wide-angle camera on the front (8MP). If 4 powerful Dolby Atmos® speakers aren't enough for you, then help yourself to one of our Bluetooth speakers, but we assure you that this is unlikely to be necessary....

And work

Do you often travel or migrate between rooms? Look around for a lighter work tool. Pick up a smart tablet and discover all the benefits of working remotely while enjoying mobility. The new Redmi Pad will allow you to share your screen, making it easier to perform tasks where you need access to multiple sources at once. Comparing content will become much easier. The large 10.61" display with 90 Hz refresh rate will show even the smallest details of the project you are currently working on.

What will the Redmi Pad become for you?

The latest smart tablet can become your main tool for working, creating, or even writing or listening to music. With its help, you will get in touch with your loved ones and manage to bring them the most beautiful moments of your life. Check out the other features and functions of the new tablet from Xiaomi by clicking here!

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