Lampka, która czeka na Twój ruch…

A lamp that waits for you to move....

When most of the household is already asleep, there is often that one gaggle who, thickly after the start of bedtime, starts creeping into the kitchen in search of a sandwich. You don't have to listen for the rumble of a bump on the edge of a cupboard or other unidentifiable object to reach your ears. The noisy mischief-maker circles the light switch with his hand, but instead of hitting it, he glides his hand across the concrete. Finally, he clicks the lost switch and, blinded by the flash of the bulb, lets out a disgruntled cry. Great, they're all awake now... Imagine how things could have been different....

Now it is you who becomes the "night gag", emerging quietly from your bedroom and heading for your chosen destination. But you don't have to click or stumble over anything. Nor is it necessary to get a phone or a torch. You simply walk ahead and the brightness comes on its own, as the Mi Motion-Activated Night Light 2 automatic light keeps watch over the night! Introducing the Bluetooth-enriched smart Mi Motion-Activated Night Light 2. See what it can do and how beautiful it looks.

InteligentnaA smart light that knows when you need it

As you can see, the star of today's post is the Mi Motion-Activated Night Light 2 Bluetooth. This motion-activated light, has several features to offer that make it unique. It will come in handy in corridors, staircases and even on the veranda. However, in order to decide where it should go, you first need to look at it and get a little more information. So let's start with how to install it.

How do I fit the Mi Motion-Activated Night Light 2 Bluetooth light?

Once you have purchased the Mi Motion-Activated Night Light 2 Bluetooth, you are only three steps away from using it.
• Unpack the device and have 3 AA batteries ready.
• Select and wipe the location where you will place the Mi Motion-Activated Night Light 2 Bluetooth.
• Peel off the protective layer of the sticker, attach and try out the function of your new gadget.
It is important to locate the light at the right angle in relation to the height at which it will be placed. If you are going to attach it high up, point it towards the ground; if very low, let the light it casts point upwards. This way, the sensor will detect the movement of people and animals moving in its close vicinity.

When will the smart bulb light up?

Illumination, motion detection and room brightness level are the three main functionalities of the Mi Motion-Activated Night Light 2 Bluetooth. All you have to do is walk through the area covered by the motion detector and the sensors will allow the room to light up on its own. This will give a home equipped with this type of light a futuristic smart home feel. Our solution is therefore great for forgetful people. If you constantly forget to switch off the lights when you leave a room, a gadget like this will solve your problem and save you money! In addition, for the complete smart home experience, the upcoming Xiaomi light will be able to connect via a Bluetooth gateway to other devices.

Feel the call of the new

Are you also looking forward to the new motion-activated light? Subscribe to our newsletter and look forward to the launch of the Mi Motion-Activated Night Light 2 Bluetooth together with us!

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