Zapowiedź #XiaomiProductLaunch

Announcement of #XiaomiProductLaunch

Get ready, there is little time left, but for what? For the anticipation of new Xiaomi hardware! Tomorrow we'll introduce you to the latest developments we've used to create the launch products. You probably already have your picks and suspicions about what might be revealed at tomorrow's presentation, the internet has been buzzing with speculation in recent weeks. Let's put them together here so as to slightly whet your appetite for news.

New to the Xiaomi family

The Prime Minister's hunger grew to such an extent that it became unbearable, resulting in numerous publications ensuring that they would unlock the shroud of secrecy. And yes, some of the suspicions were correct. We will say one thing: 11 is the number, and the slogan let the magic begin is no accident. You really can expect the extraordinary from the next representative of the smartphone series. Super sound, unparalleled visual experience, lightning-fast touch response, until you want to grab it in your hand. For now, however, it remains elusive.... until 15 September.

Will there be more?

According to some online sources, the Xiaomi 11T Pro will drop into the market with its peers. Let's stick with the fact that a certain smartphone will definitely appear on stage, but whether there will be more, you will find out during the live event. You can bet your friends whether the Xiaomi 11T Pro will enter the market together with the next versions of the model. Let this unknown stimulate your appetite for tomorrow's livestream. The opinion present on overseas forums that we are teasing by keeping such a big secret may indeed be correct.... However, we want to make this launch special for you, and there is nothing as filled with magic as a pinch of mystery and a note of uncertainty.


Grab your calendar in hand, whether it's the one on your phone or the paper one, and make a note to yourself that at 2pm on 15 September you're going to see the launch of Xiaomi's new products. You don't want to miss the theme of the day, do you? There's never enough certainty, so set yourself a reminder and make sure you're one of the first to find out about the upcoming news, because you already know it'll be worth it. Stop by before 2pm and turn on the live stream a little early so you don't miss a second! We'll be streaming the event on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, in other words: we'll be everywhere you keep your hand in.


Don't rely on rumours and get invited to tomorrow's Xiaomi product launch. See the presentation of the new solutions and hear what they are capable of! We promise there is a lot to look forward to. See you tomorrow! Play the music and watch Xiaomi take to the stage in style. This will help you decide if these are the solutions for you. And the 120W fast charging is tempting, isn't it? Oh, but about that only tomorrow....

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