Oglądaj premierę Redmi Note 11!

Watch the launch of the Redmi Note 11!

A premiere livestream will be held on 22 February 2022 at 12:00 p.m., where you will learn the full specifications of all representatives of the new Redmi Note 11 series. If you are eager to learn as much as possible about the latest smartphones, you must not miss our event.

Heroes of the afternoon

We're sure you won't be disappointed! During the presentation, the series' namesake, the Redmi Note 11, will take to the stage, and we can reveal that it won't be alone... However, to find out further details, you'll have to wait a little longer. You'll find out everything by sitting down in front of your computer during our live show on 22 February at 12:00.

In anticipation of the premiere

Are you looking forward to the news? We have something to cheer you up! On our website you will find a banner leading to the unique Redmi challenge. Clicking on the graphic will take you to a game prepared by our team. Jump to the next platform by holding your smartphone screen for a certain amount of time. Get involved and reach the highest possible ranking! The best players have the chance to win amazing prizes. It's a great way to kill time while you wait to welcome the upcoming Redmi Note 11 series, enter the competition today!

Check out our social media and let us know what you expect from the latest Redmi Note 11 series, and we're sure it will live up to all the expectations we've set for it. However, you'll have to wait a little longer to see if we're right this time too.... Remember, we'll see you on 22 February at 12:00 for coverage of the Polish launch of Xiaomi's smartphone series!

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