Jak zdalnie wylogować się z konta Google za pomocą telefonu Xiaomi?

How do I remotely log out of my Google account using my Xiaomi phone?

Want to remotely log out of your Google account? Rest assured, any of our Xiaomi, Redmi and POCO smartphones will allow you to do so! Read our guide today and find out how to do it!

Afraid that, in your haste, you haven't logged out or logged in from a device you don't currently have access to? We understand your concerns perfectly. These situations can happen to anyone. See how to remedy them in a few simple steps.


  1. First open the Gmail app.
  2. Find and click on your photo, located in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Then select Manage Google Account.
  4. Go to the Security section.
  5. Click the Your devices section and select the one you want to log out of.
  6. Now all you have to do is select Logout and approve your action.
  7. That's it!

We hope this simple guide has taken some of your worries away. Now you know how to handle the situation when you forget to log out of your Google account on a device you don't have access to.

Check out more useful tips on our blog in the tips and tricks section.

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