Filtr HEPA w odkurzaczach ręcznych

HEPA filter in handheld vacuums

Are you using the capabilities of the Xiaomi handheld vacuum cleaner? Great! Are you enjoying a clean home free of dust, dirt, and your pet's fur? Even better! And did you know that it's worth replacing the HEPA filter from time to time? It's not only a guarantee of the vacuum cleaner's reliable performance for many years but also healthy and microbe-free air throughout your home! How is that possible? Stay with us and learn the details of the HEPA filters dedicated to Xiaomi handheld vacuum cleaners.

Mi Handheld Vacuum Cleaner G10/G9 HEPA Filter

This is a dedicated filter cartridge for Mi Handheld Vacuum Cleaner G9 and Mi Handheld Vacuum Cleaner G10, capable of capturing tiny particles as small as 0.3μm, which is just 0.0003mm! The HEPA filter can capture up to 99.97% of pollutants, ensuring complete cleanliness of every surface, even the most challenging ones to vacuum. Such stunning performance is comparable to a high-end stationary air purifier. By regularly replacing the filters, you are truly contributing to clean and healthy air throughout your home! Replace the filter in this model every 18 months for maximum efficiency.

Mi Vacuum Cleaner Light HEPA Filter (2-pack)

A set of filters that will perfectly fit your Mi Handheld Vacuum Cleaner Light. Replacement is very simple and can be done in a few moments. Just remove the vacuum cleaner cover, and our filtering hero will appear in front of the dirt container. Take out the old filter cartridge, insert the new one, and that's it, you can enjoy efficient vacuuming again! Each Mi Vacuum Cleaner Light HEPA Filter will work effectively for a period of 6 months, effectively filtering pollutants with an amazing efficiency of 99.98%! The set includes two HEPA filters, providing you with a complete set for a whole year of vacuuming.

Mi Vacuum Cleaner mini HEPA Filter (2-pack)

Mi Vacuum Cleaner Mini is an unassuming Xiaomi handheld vacuum that can work wonders when cleaning a car or hard-to-reach corners of an apartment. Even such a small design is equipped with an efficient HEPA filter, which should be replaced every 6 months for maximum results. Here, in the set, you also get two filters, so your vacuum cleaner will be ready to operate at full capacity for another year!

Worth replacing

Replace the HEPA filter in your Xiaomi handheld vacuum now. Click the banner corresponding to the desired model and ensure complete cleanliness every day with Xiaomi!

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