Xiaomi Point Strzelce Krajeńskie

Xiaomi Point Strzelce Krajeńskie

This is a place that combines a medieval town with a touch of modernity. Strzelce Krajeńskie is full of Gothic monuments that attract architecture and history enthusiasts, while the Xiaomi Point attracts anyone in need of something more... digital. Get to know our store better, we invite you!

Rest, music, and relaxation

We found ourselves in Strzelce Krajeńskie because of the Xiaomi Point. However, we can't overlook the city where our showroom has settled for good. It's exceptionally interesting due to the vast number of attractions you'll find there. Of course, to make the most of them, Xiaomi devices such as headphones, smartphones, or Bluetooth speakers come in handy. If you already have them, you can set off on an adventure towards Lake Lipie or the City Historical Trail!

And when headphones are missing...

Then it's a good idea to cancel or postpone the trip to the lake. It's worth heading first to 3 Wyzwolenia St. for the necessary travel gear. At this address, you'll find the Xiaomi Point, where you can buy not only headphones and smartphones. The store's assortment also includes a travel-friendly mini power bank with a flashlight function and a whole host of products that can be useful on the road.

Smartphone great, better, or totally reliable?

We face such choices every day. These decisions are tough, but we have expertise in advising. With our help, you'll discover what's most important to you and make the right decisions because of it. Sometimes the choice is so complicated that a magic spell would be handy to suggest that a given decision is the right one. Yet every day, thousands of such decisions take the right direction. Maybe some magical power works in Xiaomi Points...

Smartphones, towers, witches…

In Strzelce Krajeńskie, not only the Xiaomi salon hosts a bit of magic. Throughout the town, there are 8 witch figurines placed around. You might come across them while heading to our salon. Even the Prison Tower was once called the Witch Tower. In certain circles, this name still applies. Who knows, maybe there's a grain of truth in all this?

Follow the magic!

For the latest POCO, Redmi, and Mi series smartphones and other new arrivals, head straight to our doors. We'll assist you in making your choice. Wyzwolenia 3, 66-500 Strzelce Krajeńskie is the address where you'll find our team, every day from 9:00 until Saturday. During the week, we work until 5:00 PM, and on Saturday until 1:00 PM. Sunday is the only day of the week when it is closed.

Bądź na bieżąco
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