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Your Inquiries, Our Solutions

Як я можу зв'язатися зі службою підтримки клієнтів?

It depends on the online course platform and the instructor's policies. Some platforms offer lifetime access to the course materials, allowing you to revisit the content whenever you want. However, other platforms may have time-limited access. It's best to check the course details or reach out to the instructor or platform support to clarify the access duration.

What are your business hours?

Prerequisites vary depending on the course. Some courses may have specific requirements, such as prior knowledge in a particular subject or a certain level of experience. These prerequisites are usually mentioned in the course description. If you're unsure, it's recommended to review the course details or contact the instructor for clarification.

What payment methods do you accept?

Again, this depends on the course. Many online courses include assessments and assignments to help reinforce the learning and gauge your understanding of the material. These can be in the form of quizzes, projects, or practical exercises. Course descriptions often mention the presence of assessments, and some courses provide certificates upon successful completion of the assignments.

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