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Meet the new hoovers from Xiaomi!

Na Mi-Home.pl has launched three new models of Xiaomi hoovers that offer a new quality of cleaning. Today we take a closer look at their key features and technologies - if you're looking for a solution to make your daily chores easier, keep reading!

An autonomous helper in your home

The Xiaomi Robot Vacuum E5 EU is a breakthrough in automatic cleaning. Thanks to its advanced navigation system, the Xiaomi cleaning robot can easily handle different types of surfaces. With its high-powered 2000 Pa motor, no dirt will escape its attention. What's more, the model E5 EU adjusts the suction power itself according to the type of floor, optimising energy consumption. With the Mi Home / Xiaomi Home mobile app, you can control the hoover from anywhere, planning your cleaning so that you always return to a clean home.

Lightweight but extremely effective

The Xiaomi Vacuum Cleaner G20 Lite EU is a handheld hoover that combines light weight with powerful cleaning capabilities - ideal for those who appreciate convenience and power. Offering up to 45 minutes of continuous use on a single charge and 18,000Pa of suction, it allows you to thoroughly clean your entire home without the need for frequent refills. The included wall bracket allows the hoover and its accessories to be conveniently positioned.

Technology that inspires

This model is a real 'game-changer' in the world of cleaning. The Xiaomi Robot Vacuum X20+ EU not only vacuums but also cleans floors, so you get double the benefits from one device. The dual brush system, precise navigation and intelligent water level management are just some of the features that set this model apart. With a dedicated docking station, large battery and high suction power of 6000Pa, the X20+ EU is ready for long cleaning sessions, guaranteeing impressive results every time.

How will Xiaomi hoovers perform in your flat?

The room mapping technology used in Xiaomi hoovers makes a significant difference to cleaning efficiency in homes with many obstacles, such as furniture or high carpets. Here are the key aspects that show how this technology makes cleaning easier:

Accurate area mapping: Xiaomi hoovers use advanced sensors and algorithms to create detailed room maps. This allows the cleaning robots to precisely navigate around obstacles such as furniture, carpets or doors, minimising the risk of jamming or skipping dirty areas.
Route optimisation: intelligent algorithms allow the most efficient cleaning route to be planned, reducing the time it takes to clean each room and ensuring every nook and cranny is thoroughly vacuumed. Xiaomi's cleaning robots can adjust the route in real time, reacting to changes in the layout of obstacles.
Room layout memory: Some Xiaomi hoover models have the ability to save several different maps, which is ideal for bunk houses. The hoover easily recognises which floor it is on and applies the corresponding map.
Virtual walls and prohibited zones: Users can set virtual walls and zones where the hoover should not clean. This is ideal if you want the appliance to avoid areas where toys, cables or other delicate objects tend to accumulate.
App sync: By integrating with the Mi Home / Xiaomi Home app, users can monitor and control the cleaning process in real time, including viewing maps and managing the operation of the hoover.

Thanks to these technologies, Xiaomi hoovers significantly reduce the risk of missed dirt and increase cleaning efficiency, even in hard-to-reach areas.

Cleanliness and comfort with Xiaomi

Xiaomi hoovers are not only efficient but also a pleasure to use. Whether you choose one of the standalone models or opt for a handheld hoover, you can be sure that cleaning will become easier, faster and more comfortable. Click here and order the latest hoover from Xiaomi today!

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